
Classroom 2.0

    This website provides a place for thousands of educators talking about their same interests. There are lots of communities based on different topics, participants can exchange their idea with other members.Also you can find abundant resources here. It is very useful both for teachers and students.

A learner is like a cell phone

According to materials the 590 syllabus gave, the image of connectivism in my mind becomes clearer and clearer. It is really a creative concept to me and I agree with this idea. I think a learner is like a cell phone today. What cause my thought are two reasons: updating and communication.
There is one key principle of connectivism is “Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known” (George Siemens). I think this is very important. If an advanced learner does not have ability or desire to keep learning, he will be a loser finally. The world is changing every day, staying means retrogressing. I also watch the video about network learning, which shows influence of network on learning. Nowadays we more rely on some software to learn knowledge or exchange ideas. Actually we did communication naturally in the past by letters and phone calls, but now we extend it to available technology like blog. It means that connecting oneself to others and the outside world is a important elements in learning. Idea in the video has similar stand with the article: “What we know today is not as important as our ability to continue to stay current.” “The way we are connected to other individuals is largely responsible for our ability to continue.
In the result, the function of cell phone is communicating with others to exchange ideas and share information. This is more like what a good learner needs to do. Also people want to have a cell phone which can be updated constantly in order to keep pace with the times. That accord with what I talked just now, good learners should use more convenient and effective ways to improve themselves.
Article: Connectivism


Diggo VS Scoop. it

    In mod 4, I have learned two tools called Diggo and Scoop It. They are all websites that can help people filter millions of information and choose what you want. Diggo's main function is marking website. People can add any website as bookmark and give them specific desciption. Tags can be added in to help people classify various website. Any texts can be highlight by Diggo tools. Refers to Scoop, it mainly classify aiticles by topic. People can creat own topic and give each tags, Scoop will search relevant passages for you and you can collect what you like in your topic. These two are all very convenient and personal when one aims to look for a particular topic. In addition, users can choose other participants to follow to pay attention to their collections, which is a good way to share information. I will recommend D&S to my future students and even everyone!


Reaction to videos about education revolution

    Through this video, two main ideas come up to my mind. First is about the change of teachers` teaching methods. There is a sentence in the video is that the class cannot be carried on if the teacher is from the past. It means that students are always changing; their ideas are not like these students in the old age. So teachers need to change the teaching methods in classroom, or they will not have an efficient class. And also the ways to publish information need to be improved, or the students may not easy to accept it or have no interests to learn it.

Social Media Revolution 2011
    This video tells me the influence and importance of media such as some social network today. More and more people start to use engines to learn new things. It saids that the number of followers of three big stars in Twitter are huge than the whole population of several counties. I think social network is a good and popular way for teacher having connection and reaction with students, which has less stress for their communication than face-to-face.


Learning Standard

 ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) standards

1. Creativity and Innovation
  Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students:
a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
d. identify trends and forecast possibilities.

2. Communication and Collaboration
  Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students:
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
c. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.
d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

Mod2 a

Two ways that you could use blogs with your own students or for your own professional development.

I think teacher can use blog as a way to improve students` study effiency. Teacher can post lots of learning materials on blog which is always available for students. So that students can download those which they are interested in. In addition, the relationships between students and teachers could be strengthened through reactions on blog. For professional development, teachers can share their teaching ideas and help each other. It must be good for the teaching research and class improvement.